VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART B, 2020 Full text (Fr)

Author: Maya Timenova-Koen

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

In this work, my purpose is to analyse the interpretation of the past as presented in Anne Cuneo’s historic novel La Tempête des heures and in Sylviane Roche’s & Marie-Rose De Donno’s life story L’Italienne, Histoire d’une vie. The interpreted events took place in Swiss and Italy during and after World War II. In this research I have relied on Tzvetan Todorov’s work Les abus de la mémoire and Paul Ricoeur’s work La mémoire, l’histoire et l’oubli.

Key words: interpretations of past, history, memory, oversight, War, refugees, immigrants, Acculturation, psychological Marginality