VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART А, 2020 Full text (Bg)

Author: Milena Vidralska

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

The polysemanticity of the linguistic modifiers se/si is based on their capability to realize different types of grammatical and non-grammatical meanings. Expressing the grammatical category of Voice by means of the constructions of the type a full verb + se/si has a complex status as the clitics se and si are polysemantic. As far as some of the constructions are concerned, however, there are certain problems in the attempts to define them as the differentiation between active and passive voice may be based only on semantics and contextual realization. That is also the reason why they occupy a position at the periphery of the functional-semantic category of voice.

Key words: Voice, Active Voice, Passive Voice, reflexivity, impersonality, functional-semantic categories