VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART А, 2020 Full text (Bg)

Author: Nikoleta Patova

Affiliation: Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The following text explores the significance of the author’s message, which took shape after the addition of a story about Bulgarian history in a dictionary book. The initially paradoxical coupling of historiographical material with that of a dictionary is explained with the representative of the middle of the ХIХth century shift in pathos from that which was enlightening to that which was national. The increasingly intensive processes of incorporating the European models developed in parallel with the emerging national awareness among the Bulgarian people. An example of how the two directions could be merged into one is the decision of teacher Hristaki Pavlovich to include a tale on Bulgarian history in the 1835 edition of „Razgovornik greko-bolgarskiy“.

Key words: „Razgovornik greko-bolgarskiy“, Hristaki Pavlovich, Bulgarian historiographical material, dictionary