VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART А, 2020 Full text (En)

Author: Blagovest Todorov

Affiliation: Neofit Rilski South-West University

The financial terminological lexicon is in a continuous state of development and the coinage of new terms is a never ceasing practice. The faster the growth of a specific sector, the faster the process of adopting loanwords by recipient languages is. The focus in this research is on English as a dominant donor language of recent times and the correlation with the faster adoption of loanwords from the sectors in rapid development. The most commonly used terms in Forex trading are explored as part of the financial vocabulary, and then categorized by types of loans in search for a connection as to what invokes
borrowings to result in a loanword form, calques or something else.

Key words: loanword, loan shift, loan-translation, loan-blend, code switching