VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART А, 2020 Full text (Bg)

Author: Stoyan Burov

Affiliation: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

The article aims at reviewing Ivan Kutsarov’s research on the relationship between syntheticity and analyticity in the morphological system of Modern Bulgarian. It also deals with other Bulgarian and foreign linguists’ opinions and considerations related to the specific features of Modern Bulgarian morphology, as well as ways of measuring the degree of syntheticity and analyticity in the
Bulgarian language. The author also introduces his own interpretations of the topic, supported with evidence from observations on the length of Bulgarian words in number of syllables and number of letters, which has been accepted by many linguists as a reliable criterion for measuring the degree of syntheticity – analyticity in inflecting languages.

Key words: syntheticity, analyticity, criteria for measuring the degree of syntheticity – analyticity, length of words in number of syllables, length of words in number of letters