VOL. 60, BOOK 1, PART А, 2022, pp. 381 – 398 Full text (Es)
Author: Rayna Tancheva
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
This study aims to analyse and contrast the Spanish and Bulgarian syntagmatic structures that, although not graphically fused, present a high degree of compositionality; therefore they constitute a controversial area of analysis. Establishing similarities and differences between the two languages, we will try to elucidate the status of these constructions that in Spanish are mostly perceived as compounds, and in Bulgarian, as locutions or free syntactic structures. In this sense, the paper intends to introduce new thoughts and possibly lead to revisions of some of the traditional classifications to adequately
reflect and explain the systemic phenomena in the language related to word formation in general and composition in particular.
Key words: syntagmatic compound, syntactic structure, noun phrase, lexical unit