VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART А, 2020 Full text (Bg)

Author: Vyara Naуdenova

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

This paper is an attempt to synchronously compare, in terms of nomination in the Slavic languages, the variety of word-forming means in each language system with a common origin and initially matching word-formation inventory. The main goal of the study is to trace in typological terms the different productivity of some word-formation models in nouns in Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian. In accordance with the set tasks, the research study was carried out synchronously. пWhen constructing a model for a comparative description relevant to the form, the inventory of word-forming means with their
inherent presence/absence in the given language, (un)productivity and frequency is established.

Key words: words formation in Bulgarian, Serbian and Russian