VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART А, 2020 Full text (Bg)

Author: Kina Vachkova

Affiliation: Constantine of Preslav University of Shumen

This article presents the results of the research on the role of the Bulgarian Revival activist and scholar Dobri Voynikov in the formation of the epistolary style of the modern Bulgarian literary language. The object of the research are two of his textbooks, in which he presents his ideas about the language of letters and gives instructions to students who are specially trained in writing letters as the only
means of remote communication between Bulgarians throughout the Revival. The article analyses Voynikov’s definitions of a letter, his classification of the letter types, the salutations, terms and ceremonials he uses and recommends.

Key words: remote communication, epistolary style, classification of letters, letter ceremony, used titles, salutation and terms