VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART А, 2020 Full text (Bg)

Author: Mirena Patseva

Affiliation: St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia


The subject of the work is the acoustic and perceptual manifestation of initial secondary stress in Bulgarian compounds, which is interpreted as metric accentuation. The aim is to check its manifestation – a step towards determining typological trends in Bulgarian accentuation. In particular, I suggest that in
compound words with an unaccented first base, secondary stress may appear on the initial syllable. This is an argument supporting the hypothesis that in the absence of lexical accentuation, a trochaic foot aligned with the word’s left boundary is outlined. Its realization is checked by assessment tests and acoustic
measurements оf duration, median and mean F0.

Key words: secondary stress, metrical accentuation, Bulgarian language, compounds, acoustic correlates of stress