VOL. 55, BOOK 1, PART B, 2017, pp. 322 – 333 Full text (Bg)
Author: Desislava Dimitrova
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
The object of study in the present work are the grammemes resultativeness and perfective aspect in Bulgarian and their functional-semantic translation equivalents in French.. We have been interested in the issue for several reasons. First of all, we will note that in Bulgarian linguistics both grammemes belong to separate categories of different nature. The meaning of the result from an action is a grammeme of the morphological category state of the action, and the perfective aspect – of the lexical-grammatical category aspect of the verb. However, both categories have close semantic content. Secondly, in French language (in contrast to Bulgarian) only the grammeme resultativeness (result from the action) has an equivalent. The grammeme perfective aspect does not have an analogue. Aspectual semantics in French language is expressed through functional-semantic analogues of the Bulgarian verbal aspects. And last, but not least, we are hereby concerned with the question of the erroneous, in our view, interpretation of the result from an action as an aspectual meaning.
Key words: result from an action, perfective verb, aspect of the verb, functional-semantic analogues