VOL. 52, BOOK 1, PART В, 2014, pp. 58 – 66 Full text (Fr)

Author: Maya Timenova-Koen

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv


This paper analyzes the hybridization (le métissage) of art and literature, picture and text, in Etienne Barilier’s novel Un Véronèse. There is a double narrative of the reality because the verbal and the visual mirror each other on the same level. Theoretically, our work is based upon Rosarianna Zumbo’s study Le dialogue entre Littérature et Peinture: quelques points essentiels, Tzvetan Todorov’s Goya à l’ombre des Lumières, Theophile Gautier ‘s Tableaux à la plume, etc.

Key words: art, literature, aesthetic impact, verbal, visual, narrative, language, love, mask, signification, reality