VOL. 60, BOOK 1, PART B, 2022 Full text (Bg)

Author: Jakub Mikulecký

Affiliation: Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Albert Mihael (1896 – 1974) was poet, novelist and publicist, who is almost unknown in contemporary Bulgaria. The following article focuses on his literary works written and published in Bulgarian language in Israel during the post-war period. In this article, we focus primarily on his novel Rescued from the Hurricane (Spaseni ot uragana, 1961) and, partially, his poetry collection My Song (Moyata pesen, 1967). These books have to be interpreted as a specific literature document of a cultural memory, a literary reaction to both the anti- Jewish politics in Bulgaria during 1941 – 1944 and the trauma of the Holocaust
in a wider European context.

Key words: Albert Mihael, Bulgarian post-war literature, Israeli literature, Bulgarian emigrant literature