VOL. 49, BOOK 1, PART B, 2011, pp. 149 – 160 Full text (Pl)
Author: Aleksandra Banot
Affiliation: Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna Bielsko-Biała
Obrious to many scholars of the life and work of Zofia Nałkowska thesis the narcissistic “I” of the writer’s personality dominated the thinking of the author of ‘Border’ (Granica) and sanctioned her autobiographical project. But a careful reading of the ‘Journals’ (Dzienniki) and the novels and short stories reveals a completely different “I” of Nałkowska: melancholic-depressive.
Referring to the psychoanalytic concept of the melancholic-depressive syndrome (S. Freud, J. Kristeva), and assuming also that the development of the personality trait of melancholy in women is vital to the experience of first love – heterosexual and unrequited – I want to show how in Nałkowska (in ‘Journals’ (Dzienniki) and the first novels) is carried out a loss of life – the image of the beloved, which was lost as an object of love.
Key words: Zofia Nałkowska, melancholic-depressive syndrome, femininity, object of love