VOL. 58, BOOK 1, PART А, 2020 Full text (Es)

Author: Stefka Kojouharova

Affiliation: University of National and World Economy

The first part of the article, dedicated to the largest group of the category investigated in the novel, presents the theoretical aspects (terms, definition) related to culturally marked translation units and realia as an element of these. Various classifications of the translation techniques are reviewed, the purpose being the attainment of a proposal for the specific case based on a study of the different aspects of translation (with an especial focus on the beginning of the reception of Bulgarian literature in
Spain) which allows for the formulation of a hypothesis about translation strategies. Their verification and the detailed analysis of the translation of the realia constitute the crux of the second part of the article.

Key words: realia, culturally-marked translation units, translation strategies, translation techniques