VOL. 61, BOOK 1, PART А, 2023, pp. 190 – 206 Full text (Ru)
Author: Silvia Petkova
Affiliation: St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
The paper examines the issues of translating Russian expressive speech formulae into Bulgarian. The study of the contexts of the use of the formula Nado zhe! allows to distinguish between six meanings, presented as speech acts of expressing specific emotions in response to the previous turn or the situation itself. As a result of the analysis of Russian literary text and their translations into Bulgarian a wide variability of interlingual correspondences is established, considering the context of communication and the speaker’s intention. To choose the most suitable equivalent, the translator should be focused both on conveying the pragmatic function of the utterance and complying with the colloquial usage.
Key words: discourse and interaction, expressive speech formulae, speaker’s intention, translation strategies