VOL. 60, BOOK 1, PART А, 2022, pp. 336 – 343 Full text (Bg)
Author: Rusi Nikolov, Madzhed Husein
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Dental office, Svoboda Blvd. 15, Plovdiv
The notion of timbre is often introduced figuratively as the tone color of a sound. This metaphor is justified insofar as timbre, in music, is not a definitional sound attribute, although an important one. As for the speech sounds, however, it is basically the timbre that ensures the sound-phoneme associations, hence the significant role of the models and tools for a reliable quantitative assessment of the speech sound quality and the speech sound alteration. This paper makes an argument for the practical use of the ‘center of gravity’ effect in vowel spectra when taken into account by the new tool used here to evaluate sound alteration in prosthetic treatment of edentulous patients.
Key words: Timbre, Acoustic-Perceptual Modeling, Denture Prostheses