VOL. 60, BOOK 1, PART B, 2022, pp. 275 – 280 Full text (Fr)

Author: Yuliya Ivanova

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

In this article our purpose is to analyze the character of Julie in The New Heloise, an epistolary novel written by the great philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It is the love of virtue that guides her in her choices, so that the virtue seems inseparable from duty. It is her gift to love passionately that distinguishes her. Julie’s feelings extend to all the society around her; she is a lover, a perfect wife, a mother, a daughter, a true friend. She is a creation of the poet born from Rousseau’s imagination. Julie is an outstanding woman – rebellious, obedient, controversial, full of passion, love, faith, hope.

Key words: Rousseau, The New Heloise, virtue, passion, death