VOL. 60, BOOK 1, PART А, 2022, pp. 419 – 431 Full text (Bg)

Author: Sema Kutsarova

Affiliation: Medical University of Plovdiv


With the development of the anthropocentric direction in modern linguistics, a tendency towards a complex study of man is observed. One of the aspects of this approach is the study of the individual as a doer, and therefore the object of attention are the linguistic patterns characterizing the performer of the action.

The present article presents desubstantive derived lexemes excerpted from Bulgarian and Turkish lexicographical sources – names of male persons. The aim is to perform semantic-structural modelling of the category of agentiveness in a synchronic way, considering also the diachronic view, insofar as the productivity of derivational models is related to the historical changes that have occurred.

Key words: derivation, derivational formant, derivational meaning, derivational pairs