VOL. 53, BOOK 1, PART A, 2015, pp. 405 – 418 Full text (Es)
Author: Presentación Ortega
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
In contrast to the recommendation that teachers give at the beginning of the class, “Please, silence your mobiles” or “Keep mobiles in your pockets”; we bet to say: “The class stars, please take your mobiles and switch them on!”. This article is about an experiment in the conversation class with 4th year students of English-Spanish Applied Linguistics at the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. We observe how using this device can become a teaching strategy to encourage spontaneous conversation and to increase students’ motivation, helping to face the difficult task of oral communication in a foreign language. The experiment includes a students’ opinion survey.
Key words: oral proficiency, spontaneous oral expression, motivation, affective component, mobile phone, teaching Spanish as a foreign language (SFL)