VOL. 53, BOOK 1, PART A, 2015, pp. 343 – 348 Full text (Ru)
Author: Nadezhda Deleva
Affiliation: St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
The article describes the second printed Russian-Bulgarian Dictionary (1885) in the history of Russian-Bulgarian lexicography. We present its purpose, the selection of vocabulary, the volume and nature of the glossary, the structure of dictionary entries and the types of lexicographical information that relates mainly to headwords. The concise Russian-Bulgarian dictionary is a source of highly interesting lexical material from the epoch of the formation of the modern Bulgarian literary language. It is of interest also as a step in the development of the bilingual Russian-Bulgarian lexicography. With his overall work Todor Kodzhov has earned his place among the most talented Bulgarian philologists and lexicographers.
Key words: lexicography, Russian-Bulgarian dictionary, Todor Kodzhov