VOL. 61, BOOK 1, PART C, 2023, pp. 129 – 140 Full text (Bg)

Author: Tanya Yankova

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

The semantic aspects of the floral image of the lily in K.J. Erben’s epon- ymous ballad are the product of mythemes interpreted by the literary imagina- tion. The folk-mythological motifs of the woman-lily are to be found in pagan beliefs and in Christian religious constructions of the world. In Erben’s text there are two modifications of motherhood. The instinct for creating and pre- serving life is countered by a mother’s cruelty and vengefulness; if the lily stands for the dynamic unity of floral and personifying characteristics, it is jux- taposed to hatred, which discredits womanhood in its core self-expression.

Key words: floral and personifying characteristics, space markers, re-naming