VOL. 53, BOOK 1, PART A, 2015, pp. 128 – 147 Full text (Bg)

Author: Nikoleta Patova

Affiliation: Institute for Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


The reasoning in the present text is centred on the article by Nesho Bonchev, a critic from the Bulgarian National Revival, against the Editor of Chitalishte Magazine. The article was published in „Periodichesko spisanie“ (Periodical Magazine) and remained in the literaterary-historical memory for its sharp critique of Parlichev’s translation of The Iliad. Bonchev’s critique, together with the disputes it provoked about Parlichev, despite their literary character, commented on Parlichev’s language almost without exception. To scholars Parlichev’s language is interesting in two aspects – as a literary work and from a linguistic angle.

Key words: Literary-linguistic norm, Grigor Parlichev’s language searches, first translation of The Iliad, translation rules, debates in Bulgarian periodicals