VOL. 54, BOOK 1, PART A, 2016, pp. 389 – 400 Full text (Ru)

Author: Olga Timanova

Affiliation: Geo Milev English Language High School in Burgas


In this paper I expore the circumstances of the publication of one of the literary fairy tales by the Russian writer Alexander Veltman in Balgarski knizhici (“Bulgarian booklet”) in 1858. The tale, based on Slavic folklore, was inscribed in the national liberation process which took place during the period of the National Revival. It played an important role in the intercultural communication between Russia and Bulgaria.

Key words: intercultural communication, cultural traditions, a writer’s literary background, Alexander Veltman, Stefan Izvorsky, national identity, folklorism, Pan-Slavism, Balgarski knizhici (“Bulgarian booklet”)