VOL. 54, BOOK 1, PART A, 2016, pp. 32 – 52 Full text (Bg)

Author: Nayda Ivanova

Affiliation: St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia


In this article the Bulgarian translational reception of the section devoted to the Bulgarian history in the enlightening work of Jovan Rajić called История разних славенских народов, наипаче Болгар, Хорватов и Сербов (1794-95) is examined. The reasons behind the translation of the work in hand in the first half of the 19th century by two Revival writers, At. Stoykovich and P. Sapunov, as well as in the second half of the 20th century by N. Dilevski, give us the opportunity to reveal the specific mechanisms of the act of translation in respect of the functions of Bulgarian literary language as a means of intercultural communication in the different periods of the development of Bulgarian culture.

Key words: J. Rajić, At. Neskovich, P. Sapunov, N. Dilevski, translational reception, intercultural communication