VOL. 52, BOOK 1, PART A, 2014, pp. 108 – 119 Full text (Bg)

Author: Gergana Petkova

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv


The research object of the present text is the Russian masculine personal names, derived from Roman mythological names. The objective of the article is to present a complete list of these names, including all their variants. They are divided into several major groups according to the part of speech, used as a basis for their derivation, namely if the given name is derived from a noun, an adjective, a verb, etc., and according to the model of word-building, used during the process of their formation, i. e. if the given name is derived from the form for Nom. sg. of the Latin name or from its base.
Additional classification is provided according to the extralinguistic information found about the canonization of the researched anthroponyms, i. e. if the name is canonized by the Orthodox church only, by the Catholic one, or by the both of them. The initial meaning of the Russian anthroponyms is mentioned when this is possible.

Key words: masculine personal names, Russian, Roman mythological name