VOL. 57, BOOK 1, PART А, 2019, pp. 203 – 212 Full text (Ru)
Author: Tanya Neycheva
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
The article attempts to answer the question of how and why the (non) grammatical dual “ocě” (meaning “two eyes”) got into the approved and verified text of the present-day Church Slavonic Bible. The form that is discussed is an isolated phenomenon not found in Slavic languages. It appears for the first time in the late 14th century and has since been present in all East Slavic copies of the Gospel of Matthew (18:9) and Mark (9:47).The author believes that its use as substitute of the original nominative and accusative dual “oči” is not accidental but is prompted by stylistic reasons.
Key words: Church Slavonic, Bible, dual, occasional form