VOL. 57, BOOK 1, PART B, 2019, pp. 138 – 147 Full text (Fr)

Author: Kirill Chekalov

Affiliation: IMLI RAN (A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature at the Russian Academy of Sciences) –RANEPA (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the Presidentof the Russian Federation)


This article covers the parenthesis, being an example of narrative metalepsis, which describes the adventures of Rocambole (1857-1870) entitled «The Truth about Rocambole» (1866-1867) and inserted into the extensive novel series by Pierre Alexis de Ponson du Terrail. It represents a sample of autodiegetical narrative without any boundaries between fictional characters and real persons, which is unique in the oeuvre of the notable representative of French popular literature. The genesis of the novel series as a whole as well as the problem of literary plagiarism are revealed in a buffoon-carnivalesque form.

Key words: metalepsis narrative, popular novel, character, author, narration, fiction, text, plot, Rocambole