VOL. 55, BOOK 1, PART A, 2017, pp. 176 – 187 Full text (Bg)
Author: Snezhana Boycheva
Affiliation: Constantine of Preslav University of Shumen
The article is part of a vast research on the attitude of young people towards otherness, based on over 200 essays on the topic of “My experience with otherness“, suggested as the basis for a discussion within the framework of Intercultural communication – a subject taught to MA and BA students from majors within the professional field of Philology and Social Communication. The research focuses on the analysis of a number of the basic main points in the students’ term papers, reflecting the attitude towards cultural differences and the experience of young people in coordinating such differences with their own cultural standards. The suggested examples serve, pragmatically, as a premise for modes of constructive countering different views and aim at overcoming biased, clichéd, and sometimes confrontational, attitudes towards otherness.
Key words: interculturalism, education, otherness, intercultural communication, young people