VOL. 52, BOOK 1, PART В, 2014, pp. 291 – 302 Full text (Bg)
Author: Daniela Strakova
Affiliation: St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
The intensity of intercultural processes in today’s society changes com-munication fundamentally. Contemporary sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic theories and studies lay the ground for intercultural discourse as a key to the in-terpretation of social interactions in the global society. The requirements of indi-vidual competence also change at the same time. This competence is compre-hended as a complex of knowledge, skills and attitudes that allow effective cop-ing of individuals in situations determined more frequently by cultural differ-ences. The teaching of Bulgarian language and literature is teaching culture and our study interprets the context of intercultural communicative education as the change and the challenge of today’s world. We are together – it is only neces-sary is to learn how to live together.
Key words: intercultural competence, intercultural education, literary education, globalizaion, challenge