VOL. 57, BOOK 1, PART А, 2019, pp. 153 – 163 Full text (Bg)
Author: Milena Vidralska
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
The centre of this survey is classification and definition of lexemes such as obviously, indeed, truly, of course, actually, as if, maybe, in fact and others, which occupy the boundary between the adverbs and particles because of their modal character. They give colourful semantics to the expression intended to present the modal functions of the speech. It is difficult to distinguish these lexemes as a separate class of words that refer to a specific meaning because of their overlapping of functions with other parts of the speech, but our purpose is to characterize them precisely, to find their invariant meanings and functions, and on that basis to find their place in the system of word classes.
Key words: determinative, modality, adverb, particle, modifier