VOL. 52, BOOK 1, PART В, 2014, pp. 277 – 290 Full text (Bg)

Author: Evelina Milanova

Affiliation: St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia


In this article functional literacy (FL) is viewed as a tool for gaining social experience and coping with every day problems. Based on the concept that im-proving FL of adolescents is one of the main goals of modern communicatively oriented Bulgarian language training (5 – 12 grades), this text focuses on build-ing a methodological variation of activities for teaching and learning reading skills in lower secondary education. What has been put forth is the idea that the FL acquired by pupils in Bulgarian language classes is a prerequisite for the successful personal and professional development of young people and their ef-fective integration into society.

Key words: reading literacy, communicatively oriented Bulgarian language training; dealing with every day problems