VOL. 55, BOOK 1, PART B, 2017, pp. 98 – 106 Full text (Ru)
Author: Sanja Kolarević
Affiliation: Military Academy in Belgrade
In this paper we analyze the verbal associations to the stimuli North and South in the Serbian and Russian languages. As a corpus for our research, we used The Associative dictionary of the Russian language (Karaulov et al. , 2002) and The Associative dictionary of the Serbian language (Piper et al., 2005) The obtained reactions to the dictionary entries were analyzed using the contrastive method. Based on the one volume Dictionary of Matica srpska and the dictionary by S.I. Ozhеgov, the meanings of the abovementioned lexemes were extracted and contrasted with the obtained reactions from the associative dictionaries. In this study, we observed the reactions through their semantic meaning.
Key words: associations, verbal associations, North, South, Serbian language, Russian language