VOL. 57, BOOK 1, PART В, 2019, pp. 63 – 77 Full text (Bg)

Author: Nikolay Neychev

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv


This article attempts to reconstruct the chronological sequence (by date) as accurately and in detail as possible in the artistic worldview of The Idiot. It proves that Dostoevsky’s plot is guided by the Julian, not the Gregorian, calendar system. A successful mapping of the temporal narrative could provide the basis for a further meaningful interpretation of his works, since we assume that the orthodox Holy Day Calendar (and the hagiographic texts in the Menology that are read on a certain date) coincide in some cases with the plot events and can explain the deeper and hidden meaning of the message.

Key words: Dostoevsky, “The Idiot”, temporal mapping, Julian calendar, Gregorian calendar