VOL. 49, BOOK 1, PART А, 2011, pp. 174 – 188 Full text (En)
Author: Vesselina Koynakova
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
The object of study in the present paper is epistemic modality, expressed through paradigms of modal verbs, modal adverbs, modal predicative adjectives, and mental state predicates. The linguistic units are analysed from Cognitive-Pragmatic Perspective both in English and Bulgarian. The corpus of examples is based on Dan Brown’s „Angels and Demons“ and the Bulgarian translation by Krum Buchvarov, 2003. The aim is not to discuss the merits or the drawbacks of the translation, but rather to discuss the epistemic patterns, establishing similarities or variations in the usage of the epistemic markers.
Key words: epistemic, modality, conceptualizer, mental spaces