VOL. 49, BOOK 1, PART B, 2011, pp. 373 – 380 Full text (Bg)
Author: Елисавета Ненчева
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv
Abreast of the works of many respected Byzantine writers djak Andrey’s 1425 Panegyric contains several works which represent the highest traditions of medieval Bilgarian literature, as St Clement of Ochrid’s Eulogy for the archan-gels Michail and Gabriel, and three of the most popular hagiographies, written by patriarch Evtimiy – Life of St Paraskeva-Petka, Life of Ivan Rilski and Life of Ilarion, Bishop of Maglen.
Key words: Panegyric, new edition, hagiography, eulogy, Evtimiy of Tarnovo