VOL. 49, BOOK 1, PART B, 2011, pp. 276 – 289 Full text (Bg)

Author: Boryana Tencheva

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

An advertisement aims at creating and maintaining a continuous and ever growing interest in an offered product and its promotion. Its success is attributed to the way messages are communicated from advertiser to client. The content of an advertisement is grounded in specific cultures since it reflects the traditions and concepts of a given community. A special role in the advertisements plays also non-verbal communication, which differs from nation to nation since it features elements reflecting the ethnic and cultural specifics of the society in which a particular advertisement is created.
Language is a constituent of culture as well as a means of culture to present the world and its own existence. Advertisers often focus on specific verbal and/or non-verbal markers, the so called “cultural codes“, typical of a given socio-cultural area, which can hardly ever be transferred to one another.

Key words: advertisement, cultural codes, verbal and non-verbal markers, socio-cultural area