VOL. 60, BOOK 1, PART А, 2022, pp. 367– 380 Full text (En)

Author: Velichka Spasova

Affiliation: Agricultural University – Plovdiv

The article presents the qualitative and quantitative results of a comparative corpus-based study into the constituents of English and Bulgarian alternative interrogative structures (E&BAISs) and their functions within the phrase. The research has shown that E&BAISs serve mostly as constituents of noun phrases
(NPs) and prepositional phrases (PPs). Within the NP, English alternative interrogative structures (EAISs) most often function as heads, while Bulgarian alternative interrogative structures (BAISs) serve as post-modifiers, heads, and complements. Within the PP, the most typical function of EAISs and the only
function of BAISs is that of complement. Most E&BAISs are examples of binary unmixed coordination. They are usually made up of nouns, NPs or PPs.

Key words: alternative interrogative structure, constituents, function, English, Bulgarian