VOL. 59, BOOK 1, PART А, 2021, pp. 221-232 Full text (Bg)

Bistra Dikova

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

The article is dedicated to three textbooks in stylistics, published at the turn of the twentieth century, which marks the beginning of modern Bulgarian stylistics. The book of R. Puhlev contains a short theoretical part. The books of B. Angelov and V. Yordanov are impressively modern with regard to the included problems, as well as the used terms and their definitions. The two texts are juxtaposed and some of the theoretical accomplishments of the authors are highlighted. Both books have been written for didactic purposes, yet they are fundamental for the development of stylistics in Bulgaria.

Key words: history of Bulgarian stylistics, style, style features, text, tropes, stylistic figures