VOL. 59, BOOK 1, PART А, 2021, pp. 403-413 Full text (Bg)

Atanas Dobrev

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

The current article deals with the problem of transcription, and more precisely – with the transcription of Norwegian proper names in Bulgarian, and features comments on the incorrect, in this writer’sopinion, adaptationof some of them. For this purpose excerpted material from book XV of the series „World Maritime Novellas“ – „Northern Maritime Novellas“ under the editorship of Georgi Valchev is being used, dealing with the Norwegian part, translated by Elena Kisimova and Stoyan Ikonomov respectively. In addition, certain features of the host language are mentioned, as well as the existence of traditionally established forms that deviate from today’s rules of transcription.

Key words: transcription, transliteration, Norwegian proper names, „Northern Maritime Novellas“, Bulgarian language