VOL. 59, BOOK 1, PART B, 2021, pp. 103-114 Full text (Fr)

Zlatorossa Nedeltcheva-Bellafante

Affiliation: Université de Plovdiv „Paisii Hilendarski”

This paper analyzes the narration specificities of the novel Benares by the Mauritian writer Barlen Pyamootoo, as well as the narrationitself – description ratio and its impact on the narrative rhythm. We try to determine the role description plays for the economy of narration in the text, where its place is important, and we also analyze the extent to which description integrates the narrative. We consider that the dynamic of narration is subdued, giving place to monotony, and this, in our view, is a sought reception effect.

Key words: narration, description, narrative rhythm, narration dynamic, narration scope, descriptive interlude