VOL. 60, BOOK 1, PART B, 2022 Full text (Bg)

Author: Snizhana Zhygun, Borys Grinchenko

Affiliation: Kyiv University

The subject of analysis is the process of interaction between Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar cultures in the context of decommunization. The center of attention is the story of a Crimean Tatar girl during the war, which became the plot of Akhtem Seitablayev’s film “Another’s Prayer” and Iren Rozdobudko’s novel “Faride”. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate how the Crimean Tatar herstory of the war is able to integrate into Ukrainian culture not as exotic, but as close and relatable, and what significance it has for contemporary Ukrainian culture.

Key words: decommunization, chosen trauma, deportation, herstory