VOL. 61, BOOK 1, PART А, 2023, pp. 251 – 262 Full text (Bg)

Author: Mariyana Kartalova

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv

The research object of this article falls within the sphere of anthroponymy. The article focuses on Bulgarian surnames motivated by a domesticated animal species. Over 270 surnames and their word forms are used for the purposes of this study, categorized into two main groups. Despite the detailed etymology of the motivating lexemes remaining outside the direct scope of the study, the surnames are accompanied by etymological notes, as well as the semantics of the dialectal word. This type of lexical units is highly indicative from the perspective of folk psychology as they reveal the Bulgarian mentality in previous eras, as well as the role of animal husbandry in their lifestyle and everyday life.

Key words: Bulgarian surnames, domesticated animal species, folk psychology, etymological notes