VOL. 57, BOOK 1, PART А, 2019, pp. 485 – 497 Full text (Es)
Author: Véselka Nénkova, Ana Isabel Díaz García
Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Education Office – Embassy of Spain in Portugal
The aim of our work is to offer a comparative and contrastive analysis between Spanish and Bulgarian publicity based on a series of advertisements. Given that advertising texts are informative but also persuasive, the strength of advertising relies not only on the image but also on word selection. We intend to study the linguistic and extra-linguistic resources as well as the techniques which are commonly used by advertising specialists in order to influence the public’s mind visible. This article also intends to check out which are the argumentative differences between publicists from Spain and Bulgaria, in addition to provide an analysis on their use of advertising mechanisms in order to persuade the consumer.
Key words: advertising language, persuasion, comparative and contrastive analysis