VOL. 57, BOOK 1, PART А, 2019, pp. 337 – 348 Full text (Bg)
Author: Dimana Ivanova
Affiliation: Czech Cultural Centre in Sofia
The text seeks to survey the female subject in the poetry of three modernists in a number of its manifestations – the woman as subject of love, the woman-mother and the woman as sinner. The notion that the identity of the lyrical subject is also constructed through these representations is of central importance in the text and is analysed in relation to the theories of Michel Foucault and Carl Gustav Jung. The analysis focuses mainly on the poetry collections: ‘Sodoma’ (1895) by the Czech decadent Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic; ‘Nox et solitudo’ (1905) by the Slovak symbolist Ivan Krásko; and ‘Pesme (Songs, 1908)’ by the Serbian symbolist Jovan Dučić.
Key words: stylization, modernist, symbolist, lyrical subject, female subject, identity of the lyrical subject, melancholy