VOL. 49, BOOK 1, PART B, 2011, pp. 334 – 342 Full text (Ru)
Author: Римма Спасова
Affiliation: Софийский университет им. Св. Климента Охридского
Based on the linguistic stylistic analysis of K. Paustovsky’s short story „Korzina s elovymi shishkami („Корзина с еловыми шишками“) the paper studies the functional essence of aesthetic language realization in the complex system of context dependence in the literary text. The author analyzes stylistic devices of complicated and extended evolution in the context and the aesthetic meaning of the word, in contrast to which arise new suggestive semantic interac-tions between the words in the text, creating a philosophical understanding of the symbolic images of nature, life and creation, death and immortality.
Key words: linguistic stylistic analysis, system of literary speech, color terms, stylistic devices, contrast, symbolic images