VOL. 49, BOOK 1, PART B, 2011, pp. 240 – 245 Full text (Bg)

Author: Павел Крейчи

Affiliation: Масариков университет, Бърно, Чехия

The paper analyses some phrasemes from the area of TV journalistic speech of the Czech, Croatian and Bulgarian commercial TV channels. Journalistic speech (and its oral form too) belongs to the journalistic genre of publicistic functional style, where the transfer of information is stressed and the persuasive function is marginalized. But the phrasemes are language units with certain expression and subjectiveness. That is why they appear, at first sight, to be language means inppropriate. But the phrasemes appear in journalistic speach abundantly. In the paper we try to describe their characteristics.

Key words: phraseology in the TV-News; Croatian journalistic phraseology; Bulgarian journalistic phraseology; Czech journalistic phraseology