VOL. 53, BOOK 1, PART A, 2015, pp. 419 – 429 Full text (Es)
Author: Stefka Kozhuharova
Affiliation: University of National and World Economy
The present analysis is the second part of a study of the titles of the articles about Bulgaria published in 2013 in the three most popular Spanish daily newspapers. The object is the so called expressive title and the purpose is to reveal the strategies and the means used to make headings more attractive for the readers, achieving a stronger impact on them and suggesting in a subtle way certain ideas and attitudes. The vehicles of this kind of expression are some tropes and literary figures integrated in the press discourse as metaphor, antonomasia, hyperbole or figures of contrast (anthitesis, oxymoron).
Key words: press discours, title, expressivity, metaphor, antonomasia, hyperbole, figures of contrast