VOL. 53, BOOK 1, PART A, 2015, pp. 364 – 369 Full text (Ru)
Author: Anastasia Ponachevnaya
Affiliation: Russian Language Centre of Moscow Lomonosov University
This article focuses on a special distance learning program based on an online lessons system which offers to students the unique opportunity of being able to master a foreign language, as it would happen in a typical face-to-face lesson, the only difference being that learners can be based anywhere in the world. Distance learning, done via videoconference, allows guided selfstudy: it offers a real practical training experience – which is very important when learning a foreign language. The article maps out all specificities in teaching foreign languages in a distance learning mode. It underlines the methodology needed and the tools the teacher can use during virtual classes.
Key words: online lesson, virtual class, screen, messenger, text-chat, synchronous and asynchronous communication