VOL. 55, BOOK 1, PART C, 2017, pp. 108 – 118 Full text (De)

Author: Mladen Vlashki

Affiliation: Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv


The introduction of the Bulgarian readers to the name of Hugo von Hofmannsthal was about 1900 but mostly in reference to other issues. The first translation “The Death of Titian” was done by Sirak Skitnik through Russian. The emergence of the dialogue Strah (Fear) in the newspaper Dnevnik demonstrated both inadequate and poor translation practice. A change in the attitudes and possibilities of cultural transfer occurred with the formation of the generation of poets such as Geo Milev and Nikolay Liliev, who consciously studied the source language cultural situation.

Key words: Hugo von Hofmannsthal, “The death of Titian”, “Fear”, Sirak Skitnik, Geo Milev, Nikolay Liliev, Hans Bethge