VOL. 55, BOOK 1, PART C, 2017, pp. 78 – 86 Full text (Cs)

Author: Diana Florentina Popescu

Affiliation: University of Bucharest


The paper refers to three Czech writers from the 19th century who travelled to the Balkans and wrote about Romania and Bulgaria: Jan Nepomuk Neruda, Vítězslav Hálek and Emanuel Salomon Friedberg-Mirohorský. Jan Neruda was a prominent representative of Czech Realism; he spent some time abroad in Germany, France, Hungary, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Egypt. He wrote feuilletons, notably Smaller Trips and Pictures from Abroad. His works Bucharest and The Silhouette are well known. Vítězslav Hálek wrote about Romania and Bulgaria in Events in Černá Voda. Emanuel Salomon Friedberg-Mírohorský was a painter and officer in the Austrian Army, who spent almost seven months in Romania and wrote the book On the Danube to Romania.

Key words: Balkans, cultural relations, travel journal, Danube